Taking God For Granted Shows A Lack of Faith

Jesus came into a city and declared a ‘heathen’, non Jewish, member of the occupying government of Rome – a Centurion helping to keep Jews under Roman rule; Jesus described him as having the greatest faith in all the land! [Matthew 8.5-9].

How can a man like this be the hero in the story? How can he be God’s hero? The man saw and described himself for what he really was in relation to Jesus. He said, “I can tell my subordinates what to do and they obey. You are Lord over the whole universe, and I am not even fit to entertain you in my house.”

Taking God for granted shows a lack of faith. We are useless, base and nobody. But we keep throwing our weight about. That self-exaltation makes us so self-reliant. Here is a centurion with power over 100 hundred but with no power over the sickness in the body of his boy. What can we really change? How much power do we really have even over our bodies, germs, death, baldness, jobs or tomorrow? When we seriously reflect we find we have very little authority – compared to God.

The sooner we humble ourselves the sooner we will realize who the true heroes are. They are not those who have not yet realized their powerlessness and wretchedness. The other day I wondered with my children if man is really at the top of the food chain, since worms, viruses and bacteria seem to finish mankind off. Maybe those lower are really at the top. How can a centurion know God more than a Jew? Simply because he knows and accepts he is low despite his being ranked at the top in his culture.

The lowly are the heroes! Think about the poem sang by Mary. Think however, first about Mary. She is a girl. Women were hardly regarded in the first century. Then, she had a baby out of wedlock. Nobody would believe that an angel and God’s Spirit had anything to do with it. Her baby was born in a farm in the company of a man who had been thinking of breaking his engagement to her. Her firstborn child was covered in rags. And that was how the Lord of the universe made His entrance into the world, very lowly. Jesus was scandalized from birth. So that He could befriend and walk through the pits with everyone who accepts his or her pit.

But Jesus rose from the dead to show that He will raise everyone who will freely open up and admit their lowliness. That’s why Mary sang despite her sorrow and joined Jesus’ church because He raised her up from being a nobody to dignity.

Are you scandalized? There is life after scandals! Are you rejected? There is life, life, more abundantly. Are suicidal? There is life. Are you at the bottom? Go to Jesus who started at the bottom.
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